Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Dangers of Genetic Engineering Essay - 1023 Words

Genetically manipulating genes to create certain traits in a human embryo is impossible at this point. Perhaps it will never happen. It is not inevitable in the long run, as some scientists pragmatically point out. (Embgen). It is, however, something that dominates modern day discussion concerning genetics and therefore must be addressed with care and consideration. There are many ways that gene manipulation could come about. Advances in spermatogenesis as well as the field of assisted reproductive technology, as seen in In Vitro Fertilization clinics, point toward methods that could house the systematic alteration of genetic information in reproductive cells. Transplantation of sperm stem cells, embryo†¦show more content†¦Many people trust that DNA can be connected to the happiness and misery of the human population, and with a new gene we could define the meaning of human existence (Pragmatism). Even without the meaning of life, parents still try to help their children have the best possible life, free of diseases and pain. This hope for a good life gives rise to the use of genetics as an eliminator of diseases that are a result of imperfect DNA. After this pragmatic use, however, is the expectation that genetic engineering will bring about a systematized choice about better or exceptional babies. With the ability to alter a gene pattern comes the prospect that children face today - that of following in their parents footsteps. A child of an athlete finds himself prefigured as child athlete. This model would be more strictly enforced if children could be artificially predisposed to a certain trait (Pragmatism). Eliminating and enhancing traits, however, brings up the effect that parents have on their children without genetic engineering. The part that our environment plays in shaping the way we act and think is considered by some to be just as important, if not more so, than the effect of our biological makeup. The interplay between biological susceptibility and social values has a dramatic impact onShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Dangers of Genetic Engineering619 Words   |  3 Pages Genetic engineering has a fine line to when it becomes unethical. Ethically new research has offered to help people with disabilities and prevent them to better a persons life. The line is drawn when parents have the choice to modify their child through genomics, This may seem fine, but unfortunately parents are bettering their children to either make them smarter or more athletic. This modification endangers the childs life by unbalancing their original balance. Genomics allows a person toRead MoreDangers and Consequences of Genetic Engineering Essay1055 Words   |  5 PagesDangers and Consequences of Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineering will be deadly. The harmful effects of this gene manipulation will not be discovered for years, and it will be too late to reverse the damage. The tools of genetic engineering are natural substances that control biochemical reactions that work like chemical scissors and glue, cutting and pasting DNA molecules and sticking them into the DNA of microbes. The microbes with these transplanted genes may beRead MoreThe Dangers of Genetic Engineering in Food Products Essay1039 Words   |  5 PagesThe Dangers of Genetic Engineering in Food Products A whooping 60% of whats on our supermarket shelves may contain genetically engineered soya. Some 3000 genetically engineered foods are lined up for approval. How should genetically engineered (GE) foods be regulated? 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While there is an enormous amount of potential in human genetic modification, there is an equal amount of controversy that questions the ethics of such practices. For example, should the ability to modify a child’s genetic code be viewed as a technological possibility, or should it be a social obligation to ensure that all children are disease-free? Should it be the parents’ right to modify their unborn child’s genetic code to whatever theyRead MoreA Research On Genetic Modification1260 Words   |  6 Pagespermanently disabled, and thirty-seven to die. This tragic event is one of many issues that sparks the continuous debate on geneti c modification, which concerns the purposes, benefits, and dangers of modifying an organism’s DNA . While advocates for the increased production of disease-resistant crops and advocates for immunizations by engineered genes consider genetic engineering as advantageous, many individuals believe that such technology poses a lot more physiological harm than it does benefitsRead MoreGenetic Engineering Is The Act Of Deliberately Altering Genes Or The Dna Sequence961 Words   |  4 Pages Genetic engineering is the act of purposely altering genes or the DNA sequence. Specifically, the process of genetic engineering in humans has a lot of potential in regards to creating a healthier, more disease free society. Imagine living in a world where you wouldn’t have to fear that your offspring would be born with a life threatening disease, because scientists and medical professionals would have the capability to work together in order to manipulate the particular gene responsible for causingRead MoreEssay on Genetic Engineering is Unethical1154 Words   |  5 Pagesmeaningful; (Wald 45). These words were spoken by a Nobel Prize winning biologist and Harvard professor, George Wald, in a lecture given in 1976 on the Dangers of Genetic Engineering. This quotation states that incredible inventions, such as genetic engineering, are not always beneficial to society. Genetic engineering is â€Å"altering the genetic material of cells and/or organisms in order to make them capable of making new substances or performing new functions; (Wald 45). It is also one of the topRead MoreGenetic Engineering: Designer Babies Essay690 Words   |  3 PagesWhen they fill questions out, a baby appears as it was described just before. The baby is in the picture of health, and looks perfect in every way. The use of genetic engineering shouldnt give parents the choice to design their child because of the act of humans â€Å"playing† God, the ethics involved in interfering with human lives, and the dangers of changing human genes. Because of recent technological advances in designer babies, parents could have the choice not only to pick and choose their childsRead MoreThe Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops1191 Words   |  5 Pagesthe United States are genetically modified strains. Genetic engineering is very important to modern society because of the world’s expanding population and with the arising need of food; it provides an adequate source. Genetic engineering may have both advantages and disadvantages, but the future of mankind may be affected greatly if it is allowed to prosper as a modern science. Several main arguments that many people have about genetic engineering are the effects of scientific evolution, cloning experiments

Friday, December 20, 2019

The American Civil War Ulysses S. Grant - 3206 Words

Ulysses S. Grant was a quiet and reserved man however he was able to inspire a sense of bravery among his soldiers who fought on American battlefields (â€Å"American President†). He once said â€Å"In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins (â€Å"Ulysses S. Grant Quotes† brainyquote). The man we know as Grant was an honorable man who entrusted others and did not see dishonor in them. This man lead the country through troubled times from the Mexican-American War as well as the American Civil War. His leadership prowess was sure something else that most generals of the time could not match. Grant had much respect for his enemies, he believed in destroying the army of his enemy rather than just taking over their lands. Ulysses S. Grant is deserving of a lifetime achievement award because of his military skills in the Mexican-American War, Civil War and his abilities to pass the fifteenth amen dment to the constitution during his presidency which positively affected the United States. Grant’s early years showed great potential for his later life. He was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio on April 27, 1822 but Grant’s mother would sell there tannery and move the family a few miles east in Ohio to Georgetown, Ohio. As a youngster Grant would work on his family farm, collect firewood and maintain the horses, farmers would watch him train and take care of the horses, he was a local celebrity because of his abilityShow MoreRelatedEssay on Ulysses S. Grant Was a True Epic Hero1111 Words   |  5 Pagesdid many good things for our country. Ulysses S. Grant, to me, is an epic hero because he lead and fought in the army for our country and he was a great president. Ulysses S. Grant was born with the name Hiram Ulysses Grant. He was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. Grant was named by his grandmother after his father lent her a book named Telemachus by Fenelon. His grandmother named him after Odysseus, but with Odysseus’ Roman name Ulysses. Him and his parents had moved the nextRead MoreUlysses S. Grant and His Contribution to America Essay example1590 Words   |  7 Pagesis what General Ulysses S. Grant as the highest ranking officer of the Union Army, wrote to the opposing the highest ranking officer of the opposing Confederate army, General Robert E. Lee on April 7, 1865. (Alter, 2002) In 1861, the Southern states of the United States of America had seceded from the Union, forming the Confederate States of America, and President Lincoln deciding it was worth it to bring them back, declared war, sparking the American Civil War. (Gaines, 2009) Grant joined the armyRead MoreA Leader Is One Who Knows The Way1293 Words   |  6 Pageswas true for Ulysses S. Grant as he commanded armies and led a nation with his undeniable leadership skills. In his youth, Grant worked in his father’s tannery, skinning animals for leather. The work conditions were terrible, and Grant hated it. However, â€Å"During these years he developed the qualities that later marked him--fearlessness, self-reliance, resourcefulness, determination† (â€Å"Ulysses Simpson Grant†). These qualities would help form the powerful leader he is known as. Ulysses S. Grant’s fatherRead MoreLincoln, Grant, And Whitman1605 Words   |  7 PagesLincoln, Grant, and Whitman Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Walt Whitman all represent a period of time in which the United States was embroiled in turmoil. From the year 1861 to 1865, the Union army from the North battled the Confederacy of the South, and when it came to an end at the Appomattox Courthouse, over 620,000 men had lost their lives (Civil War Casualties, n.d.). President Abraham Lincoln had finally found a general he could trust in Ulysses S. Grant, who had forced the surrenderRead MoreEssay about The Reconstruction Era: The Planted Seeds1231 Words   |  5 PagesThe first roar of the Civil War ended with a last gasp for air. Where in such a war more than six hundred twenty thousand men sacrificed their lives for their own belief in the abolishment of slavery (â€Å"Civil War Facts†). â€Å"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain. That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom† (Baslor). These wise words of Abraham Lincoln cleared t he way of a desolate trail of violence and pain, yet he was determined to accomplish his plansRead MoreEssay about Hiram Ulysses Grant : Sloppy Drunk or Honorable Icon?534 Words   |  3 PagesHiram Ulysses Grant was born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. Ulysses grew up loving horses. He loved riding, and taking care of them. His father Jesse Root Grant was a tanner and made a good living for his family. His mother Hannah Simpson Grant was said to be a mysterious and distant woman who didnt offer much Support or affection to young Ulysses. Nonetheless his parents had very high Expectations of him. His father wanted him to attend school and become a successfulRead MoreTaking a Look at Ulysses S. Grant639 Words   |  3 PagesUlysses S. Grant Ulysses S. Grant, the eighteenth president of the United States, was a man of many notions. Grant endured a long journey from horseman to general. This journey continued all the way to President of the Unites States. From being born in a small white cottage, all the way to piecing together the Union, Grant has done it all. In the sixty-three years that Grant was alive, he made many positive impacts and shaped our country for the better. Born Ulysses Hiram Grant, on April 27Read MoreWho Is Buried in Grants Tomb? Essay1163 Words   |  5 Pagessome guy named Grant and he is on the fifty dollar bill. Now I can tell you that Ulysses S. Grant was a Civil War hero and the eighteenth President of the United States. The son of an Ohio tanner, he was a West Point graduate. He made many notable contributions to the Civil War that eventually led to South surrendering to the North. Yet he made many not so notable contributions to the Presidency. Sickness ended his life just after he completed his personal memoirs. Ulysses S. Grant was not reallyRead MoreJohn J. Crittenden1245 Words   |  5 PagesNorth; the break or the failure of this compromise further angered both sides of the United States. 2. Fort Sumter Fort Sumter was a fort located at Charleston harbor in South Carolina. The attack from the Southern army at Fort Sumter started the Civil War between the Northern and Southern States. Abraham Lincoln sent help to the Union Army with food and resources that were short to Fort Sumter. However, the Confederate Government, the Southern and slave states, decided to capture the Fort insteadRead MoreMilitary Strategy and Tactics of the Civil War Essay1373 Words   |  6 PagesThe American Civil War was one of the deadliest wars in American history, resulting in 620,000 casualties of soldiers and undetermined number of civilian casualties. Southern slave states declared their withdrawal from United States and formed the Confederate States of America; also know as â€Å"The Confederacy.† Northern twenty states free of slavery and five slave states in north came to knows as the Union. Many strategy and tactics were used during the American Civil War. In order to understand the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ethics and Social Issues Intamgible Infrastructure

Question: Describe about the Ethics and Social Issues for Intamgible Infrastructure. Answer: Introduction We live in the era of information technology. There has been tremendous improvement in the physical as well as intangible infrastructure required for collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Business organizations collect large amounts of data related to its customers, employees and other stakeholders and use it for a variety of commercial purposes such as enhancing their understanding of the users needs, to increase business, enhancing their profitability, gaining market share and so on (Carroll and Buchholtz 2014). Large volumes of data measured in peta bytes and beyond can be centrally stored and retrieved effortlessly. The report discusses the privacy related ethical issues raised by IT capabilities. There are multiple issues concerning the privacy of data, this report, however, discusses the burning issue does availability of information justify its use? In this context, it is important to question that just because an organization has means to collect data that can be architected for a particular purpose it does not imply that they can use it even if the privacy rights of the individual are violated? The report discusses the issues of privacy in context of Facebooks unethical data mining and exploitation of users private data (Von 2013). In the recent past Facebook has been criticized over the use of users personal data. The Facebook application has been using the private data of its users for commercial purposes. It uses the data to identify users behavioural patterns and sells that data to a third party. The data is also used to identify users interests and to bombard them with the online adverts and other contents based on the data provided by customers. This activity in a sense acts a technique to minimize users exposure to other relevant content that they might be interested in and influences users buying behaviours and also affects other psychological factors (Tran et al. 2013). Ethical issues from the viewpoints of various stakeholders involved The private data and information uploaded by users on the Facebook is meant for better identification of the individual users so that they can easily connect with family and friends. Facebook seeks various types of data from the users claiming better user experience. However, there have been incidences where these data are used for commercial purposes without users knowing it (Young and Quan-Haase 2013). The private identification is collected by Facebook may sometimes include copies of drivers licence, photo ids, and other sensitive information. This has caused great concern among users who practice discretion over such information. Moreover, the data is stored on the servers of Facebook and used for various purposes that users have not given their permission for. Other ethical issues in violation of data privacy include establishing the accountability of the consequences of such violations. Business organizations that collect data are subject to broader range of social criticism an d are required to maintain integrity in the business functions (Galliers and Leidner 2014). However, sometimes it is difficult to understand what constitutes violation of privacy as the data collected is meant to enhance overall customer experience. Companies collect data to enhance the quality of services and product, but sometimes, the data is wrongly interpreted and used for purposes that are not intended by the business itself. In this regard, it is important for the businesses to implement strict data monitoring so that data is used for intended purposes and does not cause any mental or emotional agony to the users. The various stakeholders such as the users, corporation and the government have some underlying responsibility in ensuring the privacy of data is maintained. For instance, users are required to understand the consequences of providing sensitive data to public forums. The data provided can be used by third parties to track and influence the users; in addition, sensitive data can be used against the users. Therefore, users are required to exercise discretion while disclosing sensitive information. Similarly, corporations are required to ensure that data is used after proper authorization by the users and only trusted third parties can access the users data. Moreover, the government is also required to work in close association with the large corporate houses and ensure that sensitive data is used in ethical manner to eliminate the issues of data privacy (Baskerville and Wood-Harper 2016). Resolving these issues through ethical avenues rather than legal ones The best resolution for such issues can be achieved through ethical avenues rather than legal means as Facebook or other organization can easily hide behind the facade of informed agreements to Facebooks data use policy. Moreover, these privacy policies are changed so frequently that it is not possible for individual users to monitor how their data would be used. Ethics implies the generally accepted notion of what is right and wrong and is more universal than the legal framework. In this context, it is important to understand that how data is being used and whether it is used to benefit the business or the society as a whole. In order to resolve privacy issues through ethical avenues following data points must be considered. It is important to understand that privacy of data is increasingly important for protection of human dignity and is fundamental human right and it should be given utmost importance while collecting and utilizing private data (Tene and Polonetsky 2012). Ethical obligations of all stakeholders towards each other and general population It is the responsibility of all the stakeholders where personal data is involved to exercise extraordinary level of discretion while using such data. Defining effective compliance for supporting legal and regulatory obligations should be used as a starting point for incorporating a greater moral framework for the betterment of society. For the business organizations, it is important that they implement strong controls all along the data supply chain involving collection, aggregation, sharing, analysis, monetization, storage and disposal. Further, it is important for businesses to accept data ethics as business risk and implement ethical data practices as a core of business strategy (Brandimarte et al. 2013). It is important to determine the issues such as who should exercise control over the information, how much and what kinds of data can be used by the organizations for commercial purposes, and maintaining contextual integrity of the data usage. Some of the fundamental practices concerning data privacy and usage include providing users sensitive data to third parties for the purpose of commercial marketing, data mining, and surveillance or research purposes. In this context, it is important to understand that users must be made aware in advance. Moreover, users must be provided with the option to opt out of unethical practices of tracking user activities and using the data collected for commercial purposes without their consent (Johnson et al. 2012). Guidance from Australian Computer Societys (ACS) code of ethics In order to assist the business corporations from avoiding the instances of data privacy violation, ACS provides following guidelines that should be incorporated by Facebook in their business model. These ethical guidelines include The first point that businesses must consider is that the interest of public must be held at top priority, above from the interests of interests of business. Therefore, the users data available within the organization must be used for their benefit and convenience rather than for commercial activities. Secondly, the organization must follow the principles of honesty and integrity in respect to using users data. The data should be used for enhancing the quality of life of the users. Lastly, the business organization must be professional in their approach and data should be used enhance the integrity of the society and all the stakeholders involved (Recker 2015). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be concluded that todays society is data driven and data is involved at all the aspects of life whether for individuals and organization. The exponential growth in information technology, both in hardware and software have enabled the government and business organizations to store and retrieve large volumes of data effortlessly. Large corporations are collecting huge volumes of customers data are used for various commercial purposes. This has raised the issues of violation of data privacy. In this regard, many corporations are facing various litigations; however, these issues can be better managed by adopting ethical business practices rather than through legal avenues. Moreover, it is important to understand data privacy, control and usage from the perspectives of all the stakeholders involved. Every stakeholder that includes customers, corporate houses, government as well as government is facing ethical dilemma, regarding the best practices of data privacy and control. Therefore, these issues can be resolved more effectively through ethical means. What is legal might not be ethical, such as it may be possible for business organizations to use customers data for commercial purposes, but that may fall in the purview of unethical practices and both the organization and customers would have to face the consequences in the end. Therefore, it is important for the all the stakeholders to comply with ethical obligations with respect to each and the data involved. In this regard, the Australian Computer Society has developed a standard Code of Ethics that is applicable for all the IT organizations. These guidelines helps the business to adopt a more ethical business practice aimed at protecting the interests of all the stakeholders involved. References Baskerville, R.L. and Wood-Harper, A.T., 2016. A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. InEnacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 2(pp. 169-190). Springer International Publishing. Brandimarte, L., Acquisti, A. and Loewenstein, G., 2013. Misplaced confidences privacy and the control paradox.Social Psychological and Personality Science,4(3), pp.340-347. Carroll, A.B. and Buchholtz, A.K., 2014.Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education. Galliers, R.D. and Leidner, D.E., 2014.Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Johnson, M., Egelman, S. and Bellovin, S.M., 2012, July. Facebook and privacy: it's complicated. InProceedings of the eighth symposium on usable privacy and security(p. 9). ACM. Recker, J., 2015. Research on conceptual modelling: less known knowns and more unknown unknowns, please. InProceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling(Vol. 165, pp. 3-7). Australian Computer Society. Tene, O. and Polonetsky, J., 2012. Big data for all: Privacy and user control in the age of analytics.Nw. J. Tech. Intell. Prop.,11, p.xxvii. Tran, S.T., Le Ngoc Thanh, N.Q.B. and Phuong, D.B., 2013. Introduction to information technology. InProc. of the 9th inter. CDIO conf.(CDIO). Von Schomberg, R., 2013. A vision of responsible research and innovation.Responsible innovation: Managing the responsible emergence of science and innovation in society, pp.51-74. Young, A.L. and Quan-Haase, A., 2013. Privacy protection strategies on Facebook: The Internet privacy paradox revisited.Information, Communication Society,16(4), pp.479-500.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Giant Pool of Money free essay sample

The house prices were on the rise and many traditional home owners attempted their dreams of becoming a real estate tycoon. Although some buyers might have lived through the recessions in the 70’s, they never experienced it as a consumer and so only seeing housing prices go higher and higher, the idea of owning a home for the long run was embedded as a sure money maker. The last recession was more than 40 years ago and people don’t remember it because all of them were yet to be born or they were just too young. This is the case with all of the players in The Giant Pool of Money. Jim Finkel, Rachard the marine, Clarence Nathan, Adam Davidson, Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, Mike Francis, Mike Gardner, Glen Pizzolorusso, and Tonko Gast. I can’t blame any of them for falling in to Availability Bias because I too fell for it. Luckily, I bought a house that I could afford, unfortunately many of my neighbors did not. We will write a custom essay sample on Giant Pool of Money or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was born in 1978 and this was my first opportunity of making a large investment for myself. Because I was bit weary, I asked a lot older mentors and family members if I should buy a home and not a single person said no. All of my friends had houses 2000sq ft or bigger houses for themselves! I couldn’t think of one reason why I shouldn’t buy a house and I’m sure many Americans felt the same and I was amazed how easy the entire process was! Like Richard the marine, I had the ability to lock in a 30 year fixed Veterans Administration loan but my lender opted for the interest only mortgage. Biases due to the irretrievability of instances also came in to play when asking, why throw money away when you can buy? It’s common knowledge to anyone that buying is always better than renting however, there are instances where renting can be more advantageous. People like Mike Garner that worked at mortgage banks were in a race to make the most deals against other lenders who were doing the exact same thing. Interesting enough, Mike stated that his boss hated the loans that they were dealing but he couldn’t do anything about it because â€Å"Other people are offering it†. His boss had been in the business for 25 years and everyone was making money. Glen Pizzolorusso, a sales manager like Mike Garner was making more money than he knew what to do with it so he did what everyone else did, buy houses! The second bias I’d like to look at is insensitivity to prior probability which is conveyed in the paragraph above. People tend to think of real estate investment as a solid investment like the people that had their piece in the pool of money and everyone involved. People are always going to resort to buying a real estate property versus renting if given the choice. It is perfectly reasonable to predict that house prices will rise in the future. I don’t think many people will ask themselves â€Å"how likely would this house devalue by threefold in next couple of years? † or much more modest â€Å"how likely would house prices fall next couple of years? † Prior availability of data available suggest that the chances are very slim. It seems like it was a perfect storm brewing with all the right elements that caused this bias. People with money to invest felt it was the right move since federal funds were at record low interest levels and there were significant growth in the housing sector. The bank workers such as Mike Francis simply satisfied the investors without knowing the outcome and with the initial success, the need of further investigating disappeared. One recommendation I have to prevent availability bias and insensitivity to prior probability, I would say is to carefully examine past history. We all know that last recession was in 1970’s but most people only know as the recession caused by the oil crisis but looking much more in depth, we all know that it was just more than oil crisis that resulted in the recession. Likewise, people are going to talk about the recession in 2000’s as greedy home owners trying to make money on houses that they couldn’t afford but we know that wasn’t the cause. There is more to the story then the headline and people need to investigate and look at all the possible outcomes. These two biases make it difficult to examine some of the outcomes and it’s everyone’s responsibility to look at all of the possible outcomes even if the chances are very small. We cannot point the finger at just one person in the story of Giant Pool of Money.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Scarlet Letter Ambiguity Essays - English-language Films

Scarlet Letter Ambiguity Ambiguity and The Scarlet Letter go better together than two people that have been happily married for 75 years. There is no exemption in Hawthorne's exquisite symbolism of one of his main characters, Pearl. The Scarlet Letter A, worn by Hester Prynne, was a punishment for the immoral sin of adultery she had committed. Following Hester's act of adultery, she became pregnant with a baby girl whom she named Pearl. From the first moment that we are introduced to Pearl in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel, The Scarlet Letter, we get the sense that there is something strange and unnatural about her. Pearl acts very differently than the other people in Boston in that she seems to be much more vibrant than the others. We see this displayed in various different forms like her dress, her mood swings, her sometimes mischievous behavior, and her constant liveliness. Throughout the novel, Pearl is used by Hawthorne to symbolize many different elements, and the ambiguity come together for one significant meaning. A critic of Hawthorne states, ?when depth and ambiguity are much admired in writing, Hawthorne has continued to offer enough complexity and mystery to hold a wide variety of readers.?(Davidson, 361) Pearl was not accepted by virtually anyone; her unavoidable seclusion was due to the sin of her mother. Pearl was always different somehow. Throughout all of this, Pearl is labeled with many symbols that are meaningful in understanding Hawthorne's novel, and they will be explained in the preceding paragraphs. For one, Pearl is the living embodiment of the scarlet letter. She is the result from Hester's and Dimmesdale's sins. Pearl plays one of the most crucial roles in The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne uses Pearl as a dynamic character; she is a constant reminder to Hester of her sin. When we were first introduced to Pearl, she was immediately drawn to the Scarlet A on Hester's bosom. ?But the first object of which Pearl seemed to become aware was the scarlet letter on Hester's bosom! One day, as her mother stooped over the cradle, the infant's eyes had been caught by the glimmering of the gold embroidery about the letter' and, putting up her little hand, she grasped at it, smiling not doubtfully, but with a decided gleam.? (Hawthorne, 88). Beginning when she was conceived, Pearl served as a reminder of the Scarlet A on her bosom. Hawthorne shows this symbolism various times. In Chapter 7, Pearl and Hester go to the Governor's house and Pearl's attire ?inevitably reminded the beholder of the token which Hester Prynne was doomed to wear upon her bosom. It was the scarlet letter in another form; the scarlet letter endowed with life!? (Hawthorne, 93). Pearl is dressed in a scarlet dress with gold fringe exactly resembling the Scarlet A on Hester's bosom. Pearl had a natural preference to focus on the Scarlet Letter, which is show in Chapter 15. Pearl took some eel-grass, and imitated, as best as she could, on her own bosom, the decoration with which she was so familiar on her mother's. A letter, the letter A, but freshly green, instead of scarlet!? (Hawthorne, 163). In this scene, Hester eventually has to deny its significance to Pearl after she constantly confronts her mother of its significance. One of the most symbolic scenes in the novel occurs in the forest as Pearl and Hester are traveling to meet Dimmesdale. Pearl remarks to Hester that ?the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom.? (Hawthorne, 168). Sunshine, which can symbolize composed happiness or the approval of God and nature, rejects Hester because of her sin and the ?thing on her bosom?. Therefore, this confirms that Pearl constantly reminds her of her sin and her punishment. In one of the most dramatic scenes in the novel, Pearl prevents Hester from escaping her sin and shame. Pearl ?bursts into a fit of passion? and will not go to her mother until she puts the Scarlet A back on her bosom and places her hair back underneath her cap. In the one moment that Hester attempts to escape her sin, Pearl refuses to acknowledge her until she returns to the shameful mother that she has always known. Pearl is a child without guilt, with all a child's freshness and spontaneity, however to Hester is a persistent remembrance to the Scarlet A, which she must bare on her bosom. Pearl really was the Scarlet Letter, because if

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vocabulary About Work in German

Vocabulary About Work in German Here is some work-related German vocabulary to practice with.die Arbeit - jobder Beruf/ die Karriere - careerdie Stelle - the positiondie Aufgabe - the taskdie ÃÅ"berstunde - overtimedie Vollzeitarbeit - full-time workdie Teilzeitarbeit - part-time workselbststndig - independentder Werktag - workdayder Feiertag - holidaydie Schichtarbeit - shift workdie Nachtschicht - night shiftdie Schwarzarbeit - moonlightingbeschftigen- to be occupieddas Personal - staffder Geschftsfà ¼hrer/ der Manager - managerder Kollege/ der Mitarbeiter - colleagueder Angestellte - employeeder Arbeitgeber - employerunterbezahlen - to underpayder Arbeitnehmer - employeein Streik treten - to go on strikeanwerben - to recruitdie Arbeitslosigkeit - unemploymentder Arbeitslose - unemployeddie Anwerbung - recruitmentdie Personalkà ¼rzung - staff cutbackstariflich festgelegt - contractualdie Einstellung - employmentdie Bewerbung - (job) applicationder Bewerber - apllicantbefà ¶rdern - to promotedie Teamarbeit - teamworkauf Stellensuche sein - to be job-huntingdie Erfahrung - experienceder Interview/ der Vortstellungsgesprch - interviewder Kopfjger - headhunterder Lebenslauf - curriculum vitaeder Arbeitsvertrag - employment contractder Arbeitsunfall - accident at workdie Versicherung - insurancedie Karriereleiter hinaufsteigen/ beruflich aufsteigen - to climb up the ladderzustndig fà ¼r - responsible forder Urlaub - vacationsich pensionieren - to retire

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Current issues in disabilities studies Activity1 Essay

Current issues in disabilities studies Activity1 - Essay Example Individuals are then able to give and receive the good things in life and live a more valuable personal lifestyle because of the government establishing a clear social role. The authors of this argue were attempting to define and analyze the effectiveness of a new inclusionary program at the University of Manchester for individuals with learning disabilities or deficiencies in a higher learning environment. Through the course of observations and analyzing partnerships of individuals with and without learning disabilities, the authors were able to successfully argue that these individuals should be included in the learning and teaching environments because they provide an alternative learning and teaching style to the classroom environment (Boxall, Carson & Docherty, 2004). Many students without learning disabilities are able to value their learning skills more when they are paired with students that have struggles. A teacher will be forced to accommodate the curriculum of the course sessions for both types of students, but the quality of learning will probably increase over time. The author of this article defined the existence and prevalence of disability in a social environment. There are many contradictory socio-political views that involve medicine, economics and political theory to explain how societies define disability. This defining process that is used within societies suggests how the society views disabilities and the ability for a society to be accepting or non-accepting towards individuals with disabilities (Osburn, 1998). Much of the strength for this article is in the beginning where the author states the striking statistics for the prevalence of disability across England, Europe and worldwide. This is clearly a very crucial topic to be discussed and it is evident that each society must work to develop a clear fundamental definition of disability in order to accept it as a part of society and not to be shunned by